
Paper published in the journal Information Processing & Management

October 14, 2020

Hamza Baniata, Attila Kertész and Ahmad Anaqreh, (SZTE Department of Software Engineering and Department of Computational Optimization) have published a new paper titled “PF-BTS: A Privacy-Aware Fog-enhanced Blockchain-assisted task scheduling” in the prestigious international journal, Information Processing & Management.

Page last modified: October 22, 2020

The University of Szeged joins the European Training Network for Artificial Intelligence and Bioinformatics

October 12, 2020

The SZTE’s Department of Software Engineering, with the participation of the MTA-SZTE Artificial Intelligence Research Group, won the Marie Curie Innovative Training Network project titled „EMUSE – Cheese microbial Ecosystems MUltiScale ModElling: mechanistic and data driven approaches integration”.

Page last modified: October 21, 2020