
AUTORAD - New tender won for spine research

November 9, 2020

The SZTE Department of Software Engineering and the MTA-SZTE Research Group on Artificial Intelligence have won a tender in a joint consortium with the Buda Health Center Ltd. (The National Center for Spinal Disorders) and the IFUA Horváth & Partners Ltd. titled “AUTORAD” – Research, development of an intelligent automatic spinal MR diagnostic and visualized reporting system and its integration into patient care process.

Page last modified: November 9, 2020

Paper presented at ICCE-Asia 2020

November 5, 2020

A new paper was presented by Gábor Lóki (Department of Software Engineering) at this year’s ICCE-Asia conference. The paper, titled “Memory-aware Performance Optimization of Tensor Programs for Embedded Devices” was written in collaboration with our partners at Samsung (Samsung Research UK & Samsung Electronics (Korea)).

Page last modified: November 5, 2020

Our team is working hard on the project 'Gyógyulj'

November 3, 2020

Our team is working hard on the project named Gyógyulj (‘Get well’).

The aim of the project is to create an online health center that brings together all the clinics, doctors, and specialists in the county. Within the system, patients will have the opportunity to search for these health care providers, and make appointments. As of now about 1000 doctors, 600 specialists, and 50 clinics have been added to the system.

Page last modified: November 3, 2020

Online Dual Education Exchange Day

October 16, 2020

The University of Szeged's Institute of Informatics held its Dual Education Exchange Day for the second time this September.

This year, due to the pandemic, the program was held online, through a Discord event. Even still, more than 150 students registered, and could participate in discussions with companies in dedicated chatrooms.

Page last modified: October 22, 2020

SCAM Steering Committee Chair

October 16, 2020

Dr. Árpád Beszédes (Department of Software Engineering) has been elected Chair of the Steering Committee of the Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM) conference.

The IEEE SCAM conference is a leading international conference that brings together researchers and practitioners who work on the analysis and/or manipulation of source code.

Page last modified: October 21, 2020