August 4, 2022

An article titled “Fault localization using function call frequencies”, written by Béla Vancsics, Ferenc Horváth, Attila Szatmári, and Árpád Beszédes has been published in the prestigious Q1 journal, The Journal of Systems and Software.
Page last modified: August 4, 2022
June 1, 2022

A new journal paper titled “Using Contextual Knowledge in Interactive Fault Localization”, written by Ferenc Horváth, Árpád Beszédes, Béla Vancsics, Gergő Balogh, László Vidács, and Tibor Gyimóthy (Department of Software Engineering) was accepted into the influential Q1 journal Empirical Software Engineering.
Page last modified: June 1, 2022
Sept 30, 2021

The article titled “Method Calls Frequency-Based Tie-Breaking Strategy For Software Fault Localization”, authored by Qusay Idrees Sarhan, Béla Vancsics, and Árpád Beszédes (Department of Software Engineering) was presented at this year’s SCAM conference.
Page last modified: September 30, 2021
Sept 29, 2021

Péter Soha (Department of Software Engineering) has presented his article, co-written by Dr. Árpád Beszédes, at this year’s ICSME conference.
Page last modified: September 29, 2021
Sept 29, 2021

The article titled “CharmFL: A Fault Localization Tool for Python”, authored by Qusay Idrees Sarhan, Attila Szatmári, Rajmond Tóth and Árpád Beszédes (Department of Software Engineering) was presented at this year’s SCAM conference.
In the article, the researchers present a new tool called CharmFL, which is meant to aid the developers in the fault localization process for Python code.
Page last modified: September 29, 2021
October 16, 2020

The paper titled "Experiments with Interactive Fault Localization Using Simulated and Real Users,” authored by Ferenc Horváth, Árpád Beszédes, Béla Vancsics, Gergő Balogh, László Vidács and Tibor Gyimóthy (SZTE Department of Software Engineering) was presented at the 36th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME 2020).
Page last modified: October 22, 2020