March 23, 2022
As part of the SASMob project, a sensor-based passenger and traffic counting system has been set up in Szeged, based on technology patented by the Department of Software Engineering of the Faculty of Science and Informatics of the University of Szeged.
Within the framework of the project, traffic counting sensors were installed at two locations: at the Belvárosi bridge and at the intersection of Algyői street and Diadal street.
The sensors are already in operation and their results (linked above) can be seen on data visualizations made by the Szeged Transport Company staff!
The sensors use artificial intelligence to detect and track cars, so that the number of vehicles passing through can be determined. What is particularly useful is that the system uses the data it gathers to estimate the number of cars expected in both directions for today and tomorrow. The algorithm is also capable of detecting pedestrians and cyclists, however, this feature has recently been developed and is currently in the testing phase, so the data is not yet publicly available. Currently, scooter recognition is being programmed by the Institute.