June 10, 2021
Dr. Zoltán Alexin (Department of Software Engineering) has recently published an article in the GDPR focused special edition of Med. Et. Jur, a prestigious Hungarian journal dedicated to health law.
The special issue, which came out on the third anniversary of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) entering into force investigates its application on the processing of personal health data.
Dr Alexin’s article examines the status of personal health data legislation in Hungary and compares it to the standard set by the GDPR in 2018. He finds that the GDPR failed to improve patients’ position, because it does not guarantee them the right to self-determination, instead the state has full control over the health data of the population. The paper is an intriguing read on who has access to our supposedly private health data, and how we compare to the European standard.
The special issue will be mailed to all healthcare institutions free of charge.