December 8, 2023

Within the framework of the EMUSE project, a joint training event and consortium meeting was held in Szeged, organized by the participating colleagues of the Department of Software Engineering.
The event lasted from the 20th of November to the 28th, with five days devoted to training and two to the consortium.
Page last modified: December 8, 2023
February 2, 2021

The Marie Curie Innovative Training Network project titled „EMUSE – Cheese microbial Ecosystems MUltiScale ModElling: mechanistic and data driven approaches integration” held its kick-off meeting on January 21-22.
Page last modified: February 3, 2021
October 12, 2020

The SZTE’s Department of Software Engineering, with the participation of the MTA-SZTE Artificial Intelligence Research Group, won the Marie Curie Innovative Training Network project titled „EMUSE – Cheese microbial Ecosystems MUltiScale ModElling: mechanistic and data driven approaches integration”.
Page last modified: October 21, 2020