Internet of Things (IoT)

Research around the Internet of Things area is of the utmost importance for our Department. Most of our research groups address specific parts of this field, ranging from embedded programming platforms, software quality and maintenance, and sensor modelling, to application development.

We investigate the interoperation of cloud, fog and IoT technologies and the analysis of complex systems created with them. We develop specialized simulators to perform this research, namely the MobIoTSim and DISSECT-CF-IoT and DISSECT-CF-Fog simulation environments.

The popularity of the JavaScript programming language has been steadily growing over the past few years until it became one of the most commonly used programming languages. Not only is it enabling the client-side execution of web applications in browsers, but it is also driving the server-side. The goal of the Department of Software Engineering is to make this technology – favoured and used by a huge number of software developers – available on resource-constrained, embedded, smart, IoT devices as well.

Utilizing its decades long experience in compiler technologies, the Department has been participating in the development of the JerryScript project ( and helped create its standard-compliant JS execution engine targeting connected embedded devices with constrained resources (the engine requires only sub-100K RAM and sub-200K Flash memory). Moreover, we have also participated in the development of the IoT.js framework ( built on top of JerryScript, bringing the concept of event-driven JS execution environments to IoT devices.

Key Projects:

  • 2018-2021: INDAIRPOLLNET, COST Action CA17136 Read more
  • Secure IoT Software Platforms, Smart Systems Research Institute, Interdisciplinary Excellence Centre Read More
  • 2017-2021: Internet of Living Things EU-funded National Excellence Project Read more in Hungarian (GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00037)

Key Partners:

  • Samsung
  • ARM
  • Biological Research Centre of HAS
  • Kitchen Budapest (KiBu)
  • Liverpool John Moores University
  • Syracuse University
  • University of York
  • Department of International and European Law of SZTE

Selected publications:

Hadabas, J, Miklós Hovari, I Vass, and Attila Kertész. "IOLT smart pot: An IoT-cloud solution for monitoring plant growth in greenhouses." In CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, 144-152. Crete, Greece, 2019.

Garg, Radhika, Szilvia Váradi, and Attlia Kertész. "Legal Considerations of IoT Applications in Fog and Cloud Environments." In 27th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP 2019), 193-198. IEEE, 2019.

Márkus, András, Andre Marques, Gábor Kecskeméti, and Attlia Kertész. "Efficient simulation of IoT cloud use cases." In Autonomous Control for a Reliable Internet of Services, 313-336. Vol. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10768. Cham: Springer, 2018.

Pflanzner, T, and Attlia Kertész. "Analyzing IoT, fog and cloud environments using real sensor data." In Fog Computing: Concepts, Frameworks and Technologies, 83-105. Cham: Springer, 2018.

Key People (in alphabetical order):

  • Péter Gál
  • Zoltán Herczeg
  • Attila Kertész, PhD
  • Ákos Kiss, PhD
  • Gábor Lóki
  • András Márkus
  • Tamás Pflanzner
Page last modified: September 25, 2019