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Kertész Attila, Kecskeméti G, Oriol M, Kotcauer P., Acs S, Rodrígez M., Mercè O., Marosi A, Marco J, Franch X.  2013.  Enhancing Federated Cloud Management with an Integrated Service Monitoring Approach. JOURNAL OF GRID COMPUTING. 11:699–720.
Kertész Attila, Otvos F., Kacsuk P..  2014.  A case study for biochemical application porting in european grids and clouds. Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience. 26:1730-1743.
Kertész Attila, Kacsuk P.  2007.  Grid Meta-Broker Architecture: Towards an Interoperable Grid Resource Brokering Service. Euro-Par 2006: Parallel Processing. 4375:112-115.
Kertész Attila, Kecskeméti G, Németh Z, Oriol M, Franch X.  2012.  A holistic service provisioning solution for Federated Cloud infrastructures. 2012 1st International Workshop on European Software Services and Systems Research - Results and Challenges, S-Cube 2012. :25–26.
Kertész Attila.  2005.  A JPVM felépítése és használata grafikus környezetben.
Kertész Attila, Farkas Z, Kacsuk P.  2011.  Multi-level Brokering Solution for Interoperating Service and Desktop Grids. Euro-Par 2010 Parallel Processing Workshops. 6586:271-278.
Kertész Attila, Pflanzner T, Gyimothy T.  2018.  A Mobile IoT Device Simulator for IoT-Fog-Cloud Systems. Journal of Grid Computing. (2018):1-23.
Kicsi A, Csuvik V, Vidács L, Horváth F, Beszédes Á, Gyimothy T, Kocsis F.  2019.  Feature Analysis using Information Retrieval, Community Detection and Structural Analysis Methods in Product Line Adoption. Journal of Systems and Software. 155:70-90.
Kicsi A, Ledenyi KSzabó, Németh P, Pusztai P, Vidács L, Gyimóthy T.  2020.  Elírások automatikus detektálása és javítása radiológiai leletek szövegében. XVI. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia : MSZNY 2020. :191-204.
Kicsi A, Vidács L, Beszédes Á, Kocsis F, Kovács I.  2017.  Information retrieval based feature analysis for product line adoption in 4GL systems. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA'17). :1-6.
Kicsi A, Csuvik V, Vidács L, Beszédes Á, Gyimóthy T.  2018.  Feature Level Complexity and Coupling Analysis in 4GL Systems. The 18th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA'18). 10964:438-453.
Kicsi A, Tóth L, Vidács L.  2018.  Exploring the Benefits of Utilizing Conceptual Information in Test-to-Code Traceability. Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 6th International Workshop on Realizing Artificial Intelligence Synergies in Software Engineering (RAISE 2018 @ ICSE).
Kicsi A, Rákóczi M, Vidács L.  2019.  Exploration and Mining of Source Code Level Traceability Links on Stack Overflow. Proceedings of ICSOFT 2019, 14th International Conference on Software Technologies. :339-346.
Kicsi A, Vidács L, Gyimothy T.  2020.  TestRoutes: A Manually Curated Method Level Dataset for Test-to-Code Traceability. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, MSR 2020. :593-597.
Kicsi A, Vidács L, Csuvik V, Horváth F, Beszédes Á, Kocsis F.  2018.  Supporting Product Line Adoption by Combining Syntactic and Textual Feature Extraction. International Conference on Software Reuse.
Kimovski D., Marosi A., Gec S., Saurabh N., Kertész Attila, Kecskemeti G, Stankovski V., Prodan R..  2017.  Distributed environment for efficient virtual machine image management in federated Cloud architectures. Concurrency Computation.
Kiss Á, Jász Judit, Lehotai G.  2002.  Static Slicing of Binary Executables. Volume of Extended Abstracts of the 3rd Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science (CSCS 2002). :60.
Kiss M, Nagy A, Vincze V, Almási A, Alexin Z, Csirik J.  2012.  A Manually Annotated Corpus of Pharmaceutical Patents.
Kiss Á, Jász Judit, Lehotai G, Gyimóthy T.  2003.  Interprocedural Static Slicing of Binary Executables. Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM 2003). :118–127.
Kiss Á.  2004.  Comparison on Static Slicing of C and Binary Programs. Volume of Extended Abstracts of the 4th Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science (CSCS 2004). :70.
Kiss Á.  2005.  Formalizing Slicing – Results, Current Work and Challenges. Beyond Program Slicing – Abstracts Collection. 05451:10–11.
Kiss M, Alexin Z.  2009.  Jelentések gyakoriságának vizsgálata a Magyar WordNetben. VI. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia: MSZNY 2009. :353-355.
Kiss Á, Jász Judit, Gyimóthy T.  2005.  Using Dynamic Information in the Interprocedural Static Slicing of Binary Executables. Software Quality Journal. 13:227–245.
Kiss Á, Hodován R, Gyimóthy T.  2018.  HDDr: A Recursive Variant of the Hierarchical Delta Debugging Algorithm. Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Automating Test Case Design, Selection and Evaluation (A-TEST 2018). :16-22.
Kiss Á.  2009.  Program Code Analysis and Manipulation.