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1993. A Test Environment for Investigation of Dynamic Load Balancing in Transputer Networks. Transputer and Occam Engineering Series. 36:284-295.
1993. Effective Algorithmic Debugging for Inductive Logic Programming. GMD-Studien. 237:175-194.
1994. The IDT System and its Application for Learning Prolog Programs. Sixth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Information-Control Systems of Robots. :315-320.
1994. A Parallel Design Method for Producing Valid Protocols. Proc. of 8th Symposium on Microcomputer and Microprocessor Applications. :689-697.
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1995. Independent and-parallelization of logic programs using static slicing. Fourth Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools. :307-319.
1995. O caracterizare structurala a multimilor partiale D-continue. Studii si Cercetari Matematice. 47:81-96.
1995. Parallel execution of object functional queries. Fourth Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools. :447-459.
1995. Static Slicing of Logic Programs. AADEBUG 2nd International Workshop on Automated and Algorithmic Debugging. :85–105.
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1996. DICOM Based PACS and Its Application in the Education. EuroPACS '96, Proceedings 14th International EuroPACS Meeting. :46-49.
1996. Educational PACS of the Medical University of Szeged. Proceedings of the Computer Assisted Radiology (CAR96) Conference. :1027.
1996. An Efficient Interprocedural Slicing Method for Large Programs. 9th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering. :279-287.
1996. Integrating Algorithmic Debugging and Unfolding Transformation in an Interactive Learner. Fifth International Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming. :437-452.
1996. Integrating Algorithmic Debugging and Unfolding Transformation in an Interactive Learner. Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI'96). :403-407.
1996. Kép-archiváló és továbbító rendszer szoftverének fejlesztése (SZOTE-PACS). Informatika a felsőoktatásban 96 - Networkshop. :1186-1192.
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