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Hamann L, Vidács L, Gogolla M, Kuhlmann M.  2012.  Abstract Runtime Monitoring with USE. Proceedings of the16th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR'12). :549–552.
Vidács L, Dévai R., Ferenc R, Gyimóthy T.  2012.  Developer Support for Understanding Preprocessor Macro Expansions. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 340:121–130.
Fülöp LJ, Tóth G, Vidács L, Beszédes Á, Demeter H, Farkas L, Gyimóthy T, Balogh G.  2012.  Predictive Complex Event Processing. Proceedings of the 5th Balkan Conference in Informatics. :26–31.
Nagy C, Vidács L, Ferenc R, Gyimóthy T, Kocsis F, Kovács I.  2011.  Complexity Measures in 4GL Environment. Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 6786:293-309.
Nagy C, Vidács L, Ferenc R, Gyimóthy T, Kocsis F, Kovács I.  2011.  Solutions for Reverse Engineering 4GL Applications, Recovering the Design of a Logistical Wholesale System. Proceedings of CSMR 2011 (15th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering). :343-346.
Vidács L, Beszédes Á, Gyimóthy T.  2009.  Combining preprocessor slicing with C/C++ language slicing. Science of Computer Programming. 74:399-413.
Vidács L.  2009.  Refactoring of C/C++ Preprocessor Constructs at the Model Level. Proceedings of ICSOFT 2009, 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies. :232-237.
Vidács L.  2009.  Software Maintenance Methods for Preprocessed Languages.
Vidács L, Jász Judit, Beszédes Á, Gyimóthy T.  2008.  Combining Preprocessor Slicing with C/C++ Language Slicing. Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC'08). :163-171.
Vidács L, Beszédes Á, Ferenc R.  2007.  Macro Impact Analysis Using Macro Slicing. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT'07). :230-235.
Vidács L, Gogolla M, Ferenc R.  2006.  From C++ Refactorings to Graph Transformations. Electronic Communications of the EASST and Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Software Evolution through Transformations (Setra 2006). :127-141.
Vidács L.  2006.  Model transformations on the Preprocessor Metamodel - Graph Transformation approach. Volume of Extended Abstracts of 5th Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science (CSCS 2006). :102-103.
Vidács L.  2004.  Building the Instances of Columbus Schema for C/C++ Preprocessing. Volume of Extended Abstracts of 4th Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science (CSCS 2004). :125.
Vidács L, Beszédes Á, Ferenc R.  2004.  Columbus Schema for C/C++ Preprocessing. Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR 2004). :75-84.
Beszédes Á, Ferenc R, Gergely Tamás, Gyimóthy T, Lóki G, Vidács L.  2004.  CSiBE Benchmark: One Year Perspective and Plans. Proceedings of the 2004 GCC Developers' Summit. :7-15.
Vidács L, Beszédes Á.  2003.  Opening Up The C/C++ Preprocessor Black Box. Proceedings of the Eight Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools (SPLST'03). :45-57.
Beszédes Á, Gergely Tamás, Gyimóthy T, Lóki G, Vidács L.  2003.  Optimizing for Space : Measurements and Possibilities for Improvement. Proceedings of the 2003 GCC Developers' Summit. :7-20.